About me

I am a Postdoctoral Researcher in Computer Science and Bioinformatics at Stanford University and Gladstone Institute, working with Barbara Engelhardt. Before joining Engelhardt’s lab, I was a PhD student in Computer Science, Machine Learning, and NLP, working with Evangelos Milios and Norbert Zeh.

Research Interest

My main interests are at the intersection of machine learning for healthcare and statistical genetics. In addition, my broader interests include statistical modeling, graph theory, combinatorics, deep learning, and NLP.


I am very passionate about cultivating a diverse and inclusive ML and Statistic community, and I am actively part of the organizing team of WiML. Outside work, I enjoy hiking, biking, and gardening. I love traveling to places with distinct nature and beautiful landscapes.

Contact me

Please get in touch with me through email: mozhan.saeidi@gmail.com