Graph representation learning in document wikification

Published in ICDAR, 2021

Recommended citation: Saeidi, Mozhgan and Milios, Evangelos and Zeh, Norbert. (2021). " booktitle={Document Analysis and Recognition--ICDAR 2021 Workshops: Lausanne, Switzerland, September 5--10, 2021, Proceedings, Part II 16}, pages={509--524}, year={2021}, organization={Springer} Journal 1. 1(3).

Wikification (entity annotation) is a challenging task in Natural Language Processing (NLP). It is a method to automatically enrich a text with links to Wikipedia as a knowledge base. Wikification starts from detecting ambiguous mentions in the document, and later tries to disambiguate those mentions. In the core of the Wikification task, there is one other important NLP task: word representation. This paper proposes a new word representation for senses of a mention with Graph convolutional networks architecture. Senses are the possible meanings of one mention, based on the knowledge base.