Graph Convolutional Networks for Categorizing Online Harassment on Twitter

Published in ICMLA, 2021

Recommended citation: Saeidi, Mozhgan and Milios, Evangelos and Zeh, Norbert. (2021). " booktitle={2021 20th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA)}, pages={946--951}, year={2021}, organization={IEEE} Journal 1. 1(1).

Twitter is one of the social media platforms that people express themselves freely. Harassment is one consequence of these such platforms, which is hard to obstruct. Text categorization and classification is a task that aims to solve this problem. Several studies applied classical machine learning methods and recent deep neural networks to categorize the text. However, only a few studies have explored graph convolutional neural networks while using classical approaches to categorize harassment Tweets. In this work, we propose using graph convolutional networks (GCN) for tweet categorization. Second, we explore this categorization task using classical machine learning approaches and compare the results with the GCN model. Third, we show the effectiveness of the GCN model on this problem by the other evaluation of the model on fewer sample datasets.